Sunday, November 20, 2005

New Winter Business

(Image to the left is the first Yellow Buggy Taxi, a company started by myself and Jacob.)

What do two enterprising young Amish men do during the winter months when farming is next to impossible you ask? Why start a new business to keep the income flowing of course. Yellow Buggy Taxi came to mind from a trip Jacob and I took to the big city earlier in the year to purchase goods for the ladder mentioned earlier. We noticed that people, mostly English, have reached the point in their lives they would much rather have someone else drive them to their destinations while working on other matters. In this area, particularly in the winter months, most Amish get rides from the English due to the amount of work it takes to ready a buggy for travel. Keeping this in mind and the rising fuel costs to the English we thought now would be a good time to start a company based on the same concept for both the Amish and English. From the Amish point of view it allows them to free their minds of the worry of preparation and the English gain the freedon from fuel costs.

Thus far we are doing quite well taking in business from both the Amish and English. At the rate we are going a second and possibly third buggy may be needed by winter's end. It seems we've found a new nitch in the world for our winter income needs. We'll keep you updated as time permits considering the busy hours we are now working.

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