Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Great Barn Raising.

Welcome to the "barn raising" of the Amish Electric Publications (AEP). Why would a devout dyed into he wool Amish man create a blog of all things? Well, for several reasons. One of which is because I was told I could not and that it is greatly frowned upon by our Ordnung. The others, which are personal, are more for myself than anything. Besides how shocking would it be for you English to know that we Amish actually are not as different as you think we are. In fact we have many of the same luxuries you have. We use electricity everyday. Not the same as you but we do so nonetheless. We also have telephones, cell phones, television, radio, and of all things power tools! Oh, but to the average tourist these things are not readily visible. Ususally because they are hidden away in the secret places of our barns obscured by the misconception that we as Amish don't use such technology.

Again, I welcome you to my humble part of the great expanse called cyberspace and hope to see you again as I continue my daily ranting and mumbling about all that is in this crazy world.

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