I decided this past weekend to sneek out of the fields and take a trip to the big city with my family. In doing so we decided to vist what the English call a 'mall' and see these things that we hear about often. We were truely amazed att everything there but the thing that caght my boy's and my attention were these two really big shiney doors that would open and close. My son asked me what were these things and I honestly didn't know so I said, "I have not the foggiest idea." since I've never seen such. I decided we should stand a while and see what exactly they were and did so we waited patiently. Not long after an old lady came limping along with a cane and pressed the button on the wall. Shortly, the sliding doors opened up revealing a small room that she entered then the doors closed again. Small circles of light lit up and then reversed themselves all while we watched. The next thing we knew the doors opened again and the most beautiful young woman I've ever seen came walking out. With much awe my son looked at me. Only one thing came to mind to say after seeing this thing...
"Son, go get your mother!"
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